Die behandeling van lupus met natuurlike produkte

A healthy skin is also closely related to many people’s mental wellbeing and self-esteem.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a set of symptoms related to a hormonal imbalance that can affect women and girls of reproductive age. Women with PCOS usually have at least two of the following three conditions:

1. Absence of ovulation, leading to irregular menstrual periods or no periods at all.

2. High levels of androgens (a type of hormone) or signs of high androgens, such as having excess body or facial hair.

3. Cysts (fluid-filled sacs) on one or both ovaries—”polycystic” literally means “having many cysts.”

Pierre @ EcoHealth: Natuurlike Biologiese Virusdodende Bio-Ensieme Inleiding Verskeie skadelike virusse bedreig mens en dier se lewe. Mense, onwetend skep weens hul vrees vir bakterie en virusse, met die toediening van skadelike harde dood-makende chemiese middels vol swaarmetale en vrye radikale, dooie habitatte in hul erf, huise en omgewings wat ideaal is vir die bakterie …

Chemical-free non corrosive poultry litter treatment for incredible ammonia, pathogen and odour control. Increases poultry health by forming a continuously working protective biological barrier. Substance Challenges in Chicken Houses Ammonia is a serious and continued challenge for poultry and the farmer. It’s corrosive to equipment and damaging to the environment. Conventional wisdom is to change …

Pierre @ Eco Health Oxynated Olive Oil. Introduction Oxynated Olive Oil cannot be considered a pharmaceutical drug. It is developed to be a skincare product for various external treatments and topical uses on suitable sensitive skins. Oxynated Olive Oil consists of ozone and pure organically produced olive oil. Oxynated Olive Oil Does not contain parabens, …

Velsorg: Inleiding Daar is letterlik derduisende produkte en beloftes van verjonging en jeug wat vele vervaardigers van produkte belowe. Gebruikers koop die produkte met groot verwagting en dan gebeur daar min tot niks.   Pierre@ Natural Health se produkte mag nooit sonder goeie inligting en opvoeding en bewyse van hoekom en waarom dit saamgestel is …

GENERAL USES OF PIERRE@ D OXI² Introduction This OXI² Pre-Wash was developed and tested to remove hardened stains and smells caused by urine on carpets. Mammalian excretions such as blood, faeces, urine etc. consist of a combination of ammonia, bacteria, hormones, and uric acid. As the urine breaks down, the ammonia concentration increases and sulphur-containing …